Crinum Lily, Super Ellen (Bosanquet), medium-size bulb, NEW, Amazing!

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Super Ellen (Bosanquet) is another crinum wonder bulb and the second tallest bulb we have in our large collection! It is one of 4 absolutely superb sister seedlings (all different seeds from the same cross). It is the tallest of the four. The bulbs can grow to over 8" in diameter, almost the size as an official soccer ball, if you can imagine that! The flowers are a dark "red", much darker than most crinum such as Ellen Bosanquet. The flowers are also huge, about 6" in diameter. Super Ellen has a strong scape and high bloom count. Sunbonnet (see our listing) is a bit darker but not quite as tall. It will not start forming offsets until it is about 5 years old, and over the next few years it can produce high numbers of new offset bulbs. This is a true horticultural marvel and anyone that likes beautiful flowers would be happy to have it in their collection We have observed as many as 28 flowers on 72" tall scapes. The leaves will grow to over 7' long and mature bulbs will reach about 9" in diameter weighing over 20 pounds. Super Ellen will produce occasional seed with hand polination and has been used in several nice hybrids. Ours have bloomed from March-August here in zone 9, northeast Florida