Dark Blue Moss Vervain Seeds - Butterflies, hummingbirds and honeybees Love It!!

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Dark Blue Moss Vervain Seeds An ideal, low-care ground cover with beautiful blue-violet flowers. The green foliage forms a mat-like ground cover, with the flower heads on 6 to 12 inch stems. Butterflies, hummingbirds and honeybees will be drawn to these flowers that bloom from spring through fall. Are perennial in zones 7 to 11, grown as an annual elsewhere. Easily established, will tolerate drought and poor soil. Verbena tenuisecta blooms all summer long with purple or pink flowers on spreading plants. The attractive foliage is finely cut, which gives it a ferny look. It makes a nice groundcover. Verbena tenuisecta is hardy to zone 8, but it can be grown as a self-sowing annual in colder regions. It reseeds in my zone 5 garden. Native to South America. Also known as Verbena pulchella, Fineleaf Verbena, Glandularia pulchella, and South American Mock Vervain. Deer resistant. height 12", width 24" Sowing Verbena tenuisecta Seeds: Sow indoors 8 weeks before the last frost date. Full sun to part shade. Slow to germinate. Spacing 12".