NutriNoche Organic Herbal Essiac Tea Liquid Supplement - 32 oz Bottle - Essiac Tea for Pets

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NutriNoche Organic Essiac Tea is a superior herbal supplement. Strengthen your immune system and restore energy levels with our Essiac Tea tonic.
Essiac Tea for Pets or Humans. You can give this tea to both your dogs and your cats. Easy to do with our ready to use liquid tea.
NutriNoche Essiac Herbal Tea is made up of five botanicals which include sheep sorrel, burdock root, the inner bark of the slippery elm, indian rhubarb and cat's claw bark.
Made in the USA. All of our products are prepared under strict GMP standards. Our Essiac Tea is grown & harvested without chemicals.
Our Guarantee. Nutrinoche Essiac Tea is the finest Essiac Tea Supplement on the market. If you are not completely satisfied we will give you a refund with no questions asked.


Essiac, was given its name by Rene Caisse (essiac is Caisse spelled backwards). She was a Canadian nurse who discovered an herbal formula that helped with a variety of ailments. Essiac tea generally consists of four main herbs that grow in the wilderness of Ontario, Canada. The original formula is believed to have its roots from the native Canadian Ojibway Indians. When the body is treated holistically, treatment occurs from the inside out. Organa Essiac Tea works by cleansing the body of toxins, repairing the immune system and strengthening vital organs, which in turn improves all aspects of health. Because of this, the body is able to fight illness better. Essiac herbs are a natural source of vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants which protect against cell damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals can contribute to many diseases in our bodies. Essiac tea is also used for improved immune health. You should notice increased energy, better sleep and improved bowel movements if the essiac tea is working.
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