Petadolex 75 mg patented PA-free butterbur root extract- 1 Bottle + 1 Sample

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Only Petadolex butterbur extract is guaranteed:
Safe: No harmful side effects, no known drug interactions
Well-tolerated: especially by children (use our 50 mg option)
Pure: Petadolex's doctor-preferred formulation is at least 15% Petasin herbal extract with zero detectable pyrrolizidine alkaloids that can damage the liver - it's PA-free
Affordable: No doctor visit or prescription needed


Got migraines? Think Petadolex! Butterbur root extract (petasites) is an herb which the Canadian Headache Society supports a strong recommendation for use of in prevention of migraines. Petadolex is the brand of petasites neurologists recommend because it is manufactured to meet Germany's high standards for supplement purity. Plus, its patented extraction process removes butterbur's naturally occurring liver toxins to give you a safe product you can trust. Petadolex achieves its protective effect by improving the tone and circulation of blood vessels. Unlike prescription drugs that can cause serious side effects, Petadolex has no known drug interactions and the most common side effect is mild burping which is usually temporary. For decades, Petadolex has been recommended by European neurologists and has been available in the United States and Japan since 1972. Convenient adult 75 mg strength dosage.