Insect Frass : Organic Fertilizer & Disease Supressant : 1 Pounds

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Insect Frass is an Organic Fertilizer, that also stimulates a plant's natural defense systems.
Compost Tea Recipe (((Bloom Booster))): 1 Cup of Frass, 1 Cup Molasses, bubble in 5 gallons of water for 36 hours, apply at a 1:5 ratio with water or base tea.
Apply to your soil at 1TSP to 1TSBP per Gallon of Potting Soil
For Garden Beds, apply 1 Cup of Insect Frass per 10 Square Feet
1 Pound of Insect Frass is approximately 8 Cups


Insect Frass is not only great in your compost tea recipe, it's also an amazing soil amendment. Our product contains meal worm castings, the bran bedding they are grown in, and their exoskeletons. The castings are full of nutrition and beneficial microbes. The meal worms are fed a vegetarian diet, lending to a plant healthy fertilizer. Exoskeletons are the shedding of the insects as they molt. The exoskeletons are made of chitin (Kite-in), a tough protein, that when degraded, becomes a great fertilizer source. The degrading of chitin is done by an enzyme called chitinase (kite-in-ase), this enzyme triggers a plant's immune defense response, known as the SIR or Systematic Immune Response, which bulks up a plant's natural defenses. When a plant comes in contact with frass, basically it thinks it's being attacked by bugs, and bulks up its immunity to fend them off. Because there are no bugs, you are left with a stronger more disease resistant plant. Chitinase is naturally associated with the chitin in frass. Frass can be used any time throughout a season. Topdress at a TBSP/sq foot. Apply to your soil at 1-3TSP per gallon of soil. 1 pounds of frass treats up to 50 gallons of soil, or 50 square feet of garden bed. And makes up to 25 Gallons of Compost Tea depending on how strong you brew it.