Tall Law - When "Trying Hard to Do Better" Isn't Good Enough

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Trying hard to do better on your own is a tall law indeed! The Word "law" means rule of conduct. It takes tall rules and hard work to do good in your own power. However, living the Christian life is much more than rules. It's a relationship. As a matter of fact, rules without relationship lead to rebellion. As a Christian School kid, growing up in a Christian home, I had what many consider to be the perfect upbringing. However, a few years after graduation, I found myself addicted to drugs and alcohol and other crippling sins. I wandered from God for a very long and miserable decade before coming back to Christ in 1993. Yet I found out quickly that my lifestyle of sin had left me unable to "perform" in life the way I did as a young person. This left me quite discourage. It was this discouragement that lead me to realize that I had come to known a lot about God, but that I did not know God personally and intimately. I set out on a search to get to know God so that I could learn to do good in God's power rather than in my own. The truths of this book are my findings. This is not an attempt to traffic in unlived truths. These truths have set me free! I believe they can do the same for you. God did not come to change your life; He came to exchange it for a new abundant life! If you will learn the hidden truth of sanctification by grace, you will let the Truth set you free.... Finally.