Advion Cockroach Gel Bait, 4-syringes 1.06 oz each

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High-performing bait product targeting all pest species of cockroaches
Powered by MetaActiveTM compound, Advion Cockroach Gel Bait combines a high-consumption bait matrix with a potent, non-repellent active ingredient
Cockroaches cannot resist this superior combination and even the toughest populations are quickly controlled
Date on packaging is the manufacturer's production month and year and the product is effective for two years
Different environment produce different effects,it may invalid for a low rate of roaches.


Get unbeatable, professional results in infestation elimination with new Advion Roach Bait Gel. Advion Roach Bait Gel is powered by a unique, high-performing bait matrix that targets even the toughest species of gel bait-averse roaches including German, American, and Brown-Banded. Apply Advion Roach Bait Gel as a crack and crevice treatment indoors and outdoors in commercial, residential, and industrial sites. Active Ingredient: Indoxacarb, 0.6% Target pests: German, American, Australian, Smoky-Brown, Brown, Asian, and Brown-Banded species of cockroaches Pet safe: Yes, when used as directed Yield: - 3 to 5 spots of gel bait per 10 linear feet for heavy infestations. - 1 to 3 spots of gel bait per 10 linear feet for light to moderate infestations.