Piping Rock Citicoline Recall Elements 500 mg 2 Bottles x 60 Quick Release Capsules Dietary Supplement

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Supports memory & cognitive health**
Helps with occasional mild memory problems associated with aging**
A B-vitamin that is involved in the production of vital neurotransmitters**


What is Citicoline? Found naturally in the human brain, citicoline is involved in the production of phosphatidylcholine, a brain-supportive neuro-nutrient and major component of brain cell membranes.** An especially popular supplement in aging populations, citicoline offers a range of wellness benefits to support overall cognitive health and well-being.** What does Citicoline (Recall Elements) do? Piping Rock is excited to offer this neuro-friendly substance in easy-to-use quick release capsules! Citicoline is a B-vitamin that supports the metabolism of energy in the brain and the production of key neurotransmitters.** By doing so, it helps with overall cognitive health and function, making it an especially helpful supplement to take as we age.**