Star Wars Clone Trooper Helmet Scaled Replica

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Fully encased in white armor with their faces concealed behind a t-shaped visor, the Clone Troopers were identical in form, physical prowess, stamina and mental capacity. The Clone Troopers were constantly trained in fighting techniques and battlefield tactics. However, even though they were cloned, each still maintained a spark of independent and creative thinking, making them far better suited than droids to handle unexpected turns of warfare. Eventually color designations came to signify individual units, which often became more customized with mission specific gear and armor modifications. Crafted from quality materials, and using the original ILM digital character files from the Lucasfilm archives, master replicas is proud to recreate the Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith Clone Trooper helmet that bridges the gap between the Clone Trooper forces of the prequels to the Stormtroopers of the classic trilogy.