Motsenbocker's Lift Off 431-45 #2 Tapes, Sticker & Adhesives Remover

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Offers to Safely Remove Tar, Stickers, Tapes, Adhesives, Chewing Gum, Lipstick, Wax, Crayon, and Pencil Marks on a Variety of Surfaces
Applications Include: Tools, Tile, Windows, Vehicles, Carpeting, Upholstery, and Clothing
Certified Biodegradable by Scientific Certification Systems
Features a Water-Based - Biodegradable Formula
Offers a Low VOC Environmentally Friendly Formula


Motsenbocker's Lift Off 431-45 #2 Tape Remover - 4.5-Ounce features a formula that easily removes sticky, oily, and greasy stains. It offers a patented low/NOVOC formula that has proven effective for virtually all grease, gum, oily, and adhesive problems found on carpet, fabric, hard surfaces, vinyl, metal, tile and more. It Safely Removes: Gum - Crayons - Pencil Marks - Stickers - Tape - Salad Dressing - Bugs - Tar - Motor Oil - Lipstick - Wax and More. It can be used on: Carpet - Fabric - Hard Surfaces - Fiberglass - Vinyl - Metal - Tile - Painted and Unpainted Walls - Floors - Counters - Upholstery - Concrete - Brick - Linoleum - Furniture - Street Signs and More.TRULY GREENBEFORE GREEN WAS COOLYESTERDAY, TODAY, and FOREVER Before green was popular, or accepted Gregg Motsenbocker saw a need to develop products that were technologically advanced and threeways safe for the environment, user and the surfaces to which they were applied. Motsenbocker's Lift Off patented formulas offer a family of waterbased, biodegradable, and low or noVOCs cleaners. Motsenbocker's Lift Off products are proof that green can work and be competitively priced. The products are formulated for application on specific types of stains, rather than specific surfaces. The products can be applied safely and are effective at cleaning a variety of surfaces, including clothing, walls, floors, carpets, dry erase boards, countertops, automobiles (exteriors and interiors), office equipment, metals, stone, brick and concrete. All of the formulations are numbered and colorcoded, so that you can quickly identify and use the Motsenbocker's Lift Off product that is right for your application.