Math Made Easy: Combinations and Permutations

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Math Made Easy Combinations and Permutations


This book was written for 5 year olds and up to understand combinations and permutations. It teaches groups, ordered sets, how to multiply and divide, and how to cancel numbers from the numerator and denominator. It teaches factorials how to find the factorial you need for the problem and how to calculate it. It also shows how to solve many addition problems at once by finding the combinations or permutations. It is colorful and interactive. Give your child or student a hands up on the math world and prepare them in fine style for a great mathematical future by teaching them this book! Do NOT call them from Las Vegas for gambling options. Bring the book with you. Dawn LaBuy-Brockett is a composer/writer, with many offerings on Amazon. Search for dawn labuy to find all her works. Here is a short list of what you will find: Conversations is a symphony with a score available, as well as parts, a CD, and MP3 downloads. Butterflies is a musical play with a playbook available, as well as sheet music, a couple of CDs, and MP3 downloads. Also available are books of Chamber Music Quartets and Quintets for most any instruments, Christmas music for voice and percussion, Handbell music (includes duets and quartets), a Piano Solo and a Duet for 2 Pianos, Instant Handbells with scores for immediate performances of Change Ringing, and Melodee Bells with scores for immediate performances of Change Ringing for young children or audience participation. Dawn also has books for toddlers to learn colors, numbers, and letters. She has books for 4 yr. olds and up to learn music note values, basic math, and combinations and permutations (dont let this scare you its interactive and fun!) 13 Pieces is a book of Dawns short stories and poetry. Dawn LaBuy-Brockett, Pi Kappa Lambda, BM and MM Music Theory and Composition, NIU, BA Mathematics with a minor in English, IWU.