Water Works Shallow Water Aerobic Workout

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"I purchased your Water Works "Shallow Water Aerobic" Workout DVD several years ago and never got an opportunity to use it. However, the extreme heat this summer caused me to pull out the dvd and to get some of my lady friends together for a pool work out. I'm writing to share with you that we had lots of fun and we've been getting together on the weekends to excerise every since. The DVD is a way to get a great workout and have fun while doing it! " - Cheryl, USA
"If your DVD worked for me it will work for anyone. I bought your Water Works DVD. At a later date Water Works II, and Strength & Power. I have lost 25 lbs and feel great. I think you will be surprised to know the ages of the woman taking my (your) class range from 50 to 95 Yes I said 95. Phyllis is 95 and is doing a great job with your work out. I have struggled with my weight all of my adult life, loosing the 25 lbs I no longer have high blood pressure. I am 5.3 and now weigh 120 lbs. We get together 4 days a week Monday through Thursday. We are luckly we have a indoor pool so we can work out all year. Good Luck to the men and woman who use your work outs. It will work for you, as it has worked for me. JUST DO IT" - Cynthia, New Jersey


This shallow water aerobic workout is designed to tone and firm muscles, burn fat and provide an awesome aerobic conditioning program. In water all of these goals can be accomplished in the same workout: Water's viscosity provides the resistance to tone, strengthen and define the muscles, and the large movements of the legs and arms provide the aerobic workout to burn fat and strengthen the cardiovascular system. Enjoy an invigorating workout in water's buoyant, nearly gravity free, exercise environment. Your workout will include: Warm-Up - gradually elevates heart rate with muscle conditioning and mild stretching; Upper Body Toning - extremely effective exercises specifically designed to strengthen each of the major muscle groups in the chest, back and arms. Uniquely beneficial in improving posture; Lower Body Base Moves - aerobic movements including leaps, lunges, kicks, and walking variations that elevate the heart rate, burn fat and tone the gluteals, thighs and abdominals; Impact Variations - learn how to modify each of the base moves to limit or increase the impact and intensity. Each base move can be adapted to fit the needs of any fitness level; Aerobic Routines - combines the upper body exercises with the base moves to create fun and effective aerobic routines; Cool Down - stretching and relaxation exercises. Listing for DVD only.