Scented Candles (Attraction, Adventure & Excitement) Soy Wax Aromatherapy, 8oz (Pack of 3)

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ATTRACTION - This scent is an enticing mingling of fragrant blends with hints of passion and lust. You are at first drawn in by the pleasurable notes of Bergamot, Apple and a dash of Pineapple as it intermixes with Violet and Herbaceous. Just beneath, lies the rich, warm foundation of Cedarwood, Musk, Sandalwood and a secret Incense. All together, this mysterious pairing of fragrances will lead you to submit to the irresistible spell of Attraction.
EXCITEMENT - As night falls, the feelings become more acute and open to a fragrance, which titillates the senses and quickens the heart rate. The sweet seductive ascent from a woody botanical blend and Madagascar Vanilla, to Jasmine and Neroli will leave you breathless as it moves dangerously close to a Ruby Red climax. This scent is sure to lead you to the edge of Excitement.
ADVENTURE - You are now ready to embrace and explore the limits of this sensual experience. Grounded in Frankincense and Earth, this scent initially summons Lime and Agrumen and is balanced by the petals of Carnations, Ylang and Geranium. With the senses focused, yet not knowing where this moment will take you, Attraction and Excitement will certainly lead to Adventure.


Soy candles are made from soybeans. therefore they are not toxic like paraffin waxes. They are biodegradable. They are longer lasting and burns cooler since the melt point for soy wax is relatively lower than paraffin, petroleum or beeswax. It is renewable, sustainable, environmentally friendly, and biodegradable, water-soluble. The maximum recommended burn time for soy Candles is four (4) hours per burn. Burning longer than this time is dangerous especially when combined with improper wick trimming. An improperly trimmed wick can create a high flame and temperature forming a deep melt pool that may fatigue even our heat-safe glass over time. Each time before you light your soy candle, trim the wick down to _. Do not allow wick trimmings to fall into your wax melt pool. Always burn candles in areas free from drafts. Burning natural-based candles will result in less toxic air, headaches and lung irritation than with their ubiquitous paraffin cousins. Plus, no black soot on your walls or tables when you enjoy eco-friendly candles!