Russian Comfrey Plants - Ten Crown Cuttings - Establishes much faster and more reliably than root cuttings - Bocking 14 Variety - Symphytum uplandicum (10)

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Choose Yumheart Gardens Comfrey to be assured of highest quality.
Mulch - can be cut several times per year to about 2 inches above ground and used as a green or "chop and drop" mulch. Avoid harvest in the first season.
Liquid Fertilizer - steeping chopped Comfrey leaves in water for several weeks produces a thick, dark liquid that can be diluted with water and fed to plants.
Deep Roots Mineral Accumulator - high in potassium, but also phosphorus, calcium, Copper, Iron, and Magnesium
Ground Cover - lower growing species can tolerate some foot traffic, plant 2-3 feet apart.


This listing is for Crown Cuttings which include some root and at least 1 growing leaf bud. They will establish a plant much easier and quicker than root cuttings.