Panda Planner Daily Journal: 2017-2018 Academic Year Weekly & Monthly Planner

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Panda Planner Daily Journal 2017-2018 Academic Year Weekly & Monthly Planner is the number one planner for students to take charge of their academic year from the onset and well beyond. It runs from August 2017 to December 2018. Getting organized is the first step in having an excellent academic year and this is the journal to guide you through your daily, weekly and monthly activities that leads to a successful year! Remember the adage, Out of sight, Out of mind! It applies to everyone. Yes, you have a smartphone and a digital planner, but there is that connection a physical product we write on helps us see our tasks as real and not to be skipped. When you lack motivation, you have a physical product, you can go through and see what you had achieved in the past, which would propel you forward. Grab a copy of this Planner today and turn yourself into an efficient oiled machine. Time does not wait for anybody. Keep your plans, schedules and activities where you can see them. Makes a great gift for parents, students and educators, and for any other occasion.