Buoy Mooring Hook. AISI 316 stainless steel. 4.25". with rapid release lever. For onboard connection to, and release from, dock-rings, rings and buoys.

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For onboard connection of lines to, and release from, rings and buoys. For connection/release from dock-rings with the Wright Innovation wRino boat hook mooring system. Metal-to-metal connection protects lines. Simple, quick and easy to use.


Manufactured by Marifix AB (Sweden) for use with most conventional boat hooks, Sold by Wright Innovation (Australia) for use with the wRino boat hook mooring system. wRino benefits:- 1. Rapid line connection to and release from dock-rings, from the safety of a boat's deck. 2. Easier connection control when the buoy mooring hook is guided in the wRino line-handling clip 3. Easier hook release from a ring, by using the wRino line- handling clip as a guide. Place the line-handling clip over the dock-line and push forward until the wRino nose tip fits into the buoy mooring hook release clip. wRino is available from Amazon, see: boat hooks for docking .