Event Planning: Learn How To Start Event Planning Business - Planning, Promoting, And Running A Successful Event Business! (Event Planning, Event Planning Career, Wedding Planning)

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Event Planning

Learn How To Start Event Planning Business - Planning, Promoting, And Running A Successful Event Business!

The meetings and events industry, like so many other industries, is on the threshold of some major changes. Fluctuations in the world economy (which affect budgets) travel safety issues, the technology revolution, and peoples time restrictions are forcing meeting and event planners to reexamine what they do and how they do it. The need to hold meetings and events remains strong because getting together with other people continues to be an effective way to accomplish goals and exchange ideas. But the way meetings and events take place is changing. This book addresses both conventional and nonconventional methods of holding meetings and events. Let it be your guide to mastering successful strategies and tactics, as well as your source for insider secrets from the pros. Savvy meeting and event planners recognize that every event they arrange will be different. They also know the importance of constantly staying abreast of new and emerging trends, in addition to fully understanding the ongoing wants and needs of their participants. The key to success in meeting and event planning is being organized and detail-oriented. During the planning process, you encounter a countless number of specifics that demand your constant attention, and this book helps you stay on top of each one. It contains tons of practical advice for getting through the challenges you might face. It also shows you how to skillfully put together a well-designed and flawlessly orchestrated program, even on a shoestring budget, that will earn glowing reviews and make you proud.