1 Blue Rili Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi) - Breeding Age Young Adult at 1/2 to 1 Inch Long by Aquatic Arts

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Blue Rili Shrimp feature striped blue colorationa and are a color morph of Red Cherry Shrimp, so care requirements are the same.
These ship out as breeding age young adults that range from 1/2 to 1 inch in length.
Dwarf shrimp are very small and are not ideal for aquariums with medium to large-sized fish. Please research dwarf shrimp before purchasing to ensure compatibility with your tank's inhabitants.
A colony of shrimp works as a very effective cleaning crew for your tanks, cleaning up algae and waste!


In addition to several other rili varieties, we carry extremely high quality specimens of the Blue Rili Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi). All of our Blue Rili Shrimp are young, breeding age adults and we are already getting excellent fry production at our facility.

Care for this shrimp is identical to all varieties of Cherry, Neon Yellow, Blue Velvet, Sapphire, Blue/Black Diamond, Chocolate, Snowball, and Rili shrimp. It is comparably durable as well.

This shrimp is a scavenger and is very useful in planted and nano aquariums. The bulk of its diet is biofilm, algae, and decaying plant matter so it will work diligently to clean up the waste in any aquarium. It feeds constantly, so it displays constant activity. In a less mature aquarium, it should be fed high quality flake and mini pellet dry foods with high algae/spirulina/plant content.

What We Like About This Shrimp:
- Beautiful striped blue coloration
- Completely peaceful with all non-aggressive tankmates
- Safe with all plants
- Excellent scavenger

- Temperature: 64 - 84 F (17.8 - 28.8 C)
- pH: 6.5 - 7.5
- KH: 0 - 10 dKH
- Minimum Tank Size: 2 gallons

- Diet: Scavenger that feeds continually. Requires very little feeding in a well-established aquarium containing algae, biofilm, or decaying plant matter. In less mature aquariums, high quality dry foods with high plant content can be fed multiple times daily.
- Social Behavior: Peaceful. A small group can continually replenish and grow its population.
- Origin: Tank-raised in and indigenous to Taiwan.
- Average Adult Size: 1 - 1.5 inches (2.5 - 3.8 cm)
- Average Purchase Size: .5 - 1 inches (1.3 - 2.5 cm)