Sagrada Biblia/ 1569 (Spanish Edition)

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Decorative Hardcover with traditional picture of "Oso" sucking sap from the tree
Product Dimensions: 9.9 x 7.4 x 3.4 inches
Weight: 5 pounds
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La Biblia del Oso es la primera traduccin completa que se hizo de la Biblia al castellano a partir del griego y del hebreo. Su nombre viene de que en la portada haba un oso cogiendo un panal de miel, dado que se quera evitar iconos religiosos porque en aquella poca estaba prohibida la traduccin a lenguas vulgares. Hasta entonces (1569) no haba sido posible para el pueblo acceder al libro sagrado. Casiodoro de la Reina es el fraile protestante que se encarg de la traduccin. Huy de Espaa con un grupo de monjes y se estableci en Ginebra, posteriormente se estableci en Londres, donde se fund la primera iglesia en habla castellana de Gran Bretaa. Ms tarde vivi en los Pases Bajos, donde comenz su labor traductora.//The Bible of the bear is the first complete translation of the Bible into English from Greek and Hebrew. Its name comes from that on the cover had a bear getting a honeycomb, given that everyone wanted to avoid religious icons because at that time was forbidden the translation to vernacular language. Until then (1569) had not been possible for the people access to the holy book. Cassiodorus of the Queen is the friar protestant who was in charge of the translation. He fled to Spain with a group of monks and was established in Geneva, it was subsequently established in London, where he founded the first church in Castilian-speaking of Great Britain. Later he lived in the Netherlands, where he began his work translator.