Andis 10 Cat Ultra Edge Blade (65215)

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The Andis UltraEdge No.10 Cat Blade has the EGT finish that allows for a smoother cut
Designed specially for cat grooming!
EGT blade coating cuts faster and resists rust
Exclusive blade design for feline grooming helps reduce track lines
EGT blade coating feeds hair smoothly and reduces corrosion
Oil blade before every use


The Andis UltraEdge No.10 Cat Blade features an Electro-Glide Technology (EGT) finish, which allows the blades to cut smoother and faster, as well as resist rust. In addition, these blades are designed specifically for cats. Fits all Andis AG, AGC, AGR+ and MBG Models, Oster A-5 and most detachable-type clippers. Leaves hair 1/16" or 1.5 mm. The Electro-Glide Technology (EGT) Finish smoothes out natural imperfections found on metals. The finish bonds to the metal surface, and the smoother finish delivers less resistance while grooming. This means the coat of hair will smoothly feed through the blade for a faster cut. Working in conjunction with our specially designed tooth patterns makes for exceptionally smooth-cutting blades. Ensure the longevity of your blade's life by oiling it before every use.