Doorway To Eros: A Memoir; Hannah Fleming's Midlife Awakening

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Doorway to Eros A Memoir Hannah Fleming s Midlife Awakening


On her fiftieth birthday, standing naked before a full-length mirror, Hannah Fleming saw a stranger. Touching herself, it struck her hard that she was wholly unfulfilled in the intimacies of womanhood. She had dabbled in sharing affection sexually with her husband, but, though a good husband and father, he had insurmountable barriers to sharing sexual and emotional intimacy. With her career in good order and her children no longer home, her longing to experience passion and erotic touch told her she needed to discover the sensual woman hidden within. She met the man who would show her all she wished to know and experience. They became friends, then moved into a relationship of complete freedom of honest intimacy, passion, and carnal desire, with no embarrassment or boundaries. Their intimate relationship taught her far more than she ever thought possible, about her sexuality, passion, and understanding truth in loving through emotion and erotic touch. She could not have asked for anything more; except time. Upon her lovers early death, she felt empty and lost, until she developed a close bond with his wife. Their relationship grew beyond friendship, to one of love and sharing, which until it materialized, she could never have imagined possible. Hannahs life was fulfilled in every way, and because she had indeed found wholeness through love and intimate sharing, she wished to keep those wondrous memories alive. Thus, to relive in memory the erotic sharing and deep passion she no longer owned, her memoir was born. This memoir is highly graphic, necessary for Hannah to relive the emotions, eros, and love shared. By opening Doorway to Eros, Hannah can take her journey again and againthe very purpose of this novel--a true story. (Only names and places were altered). Hannah took the path to learn of and acknowledge her sexuality and most intimate nature. She couldnt have imagined what she would discover. That short period of her life gave her the understanding she sought, but far more than she had hoped for. Hannah wished to preserve her wondrous memories; to save them from times demise. This memoir is her doorway, for by opening this novel, Hannah relives her passage into eros as often as she wishes. This is Hannah Flemings intimate awakening.