Breathing Room: Stressing Less & Living More

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Finding breathing room in finances, schedules, and relationships leads to enjoying and savoring life instead of simply going through the motions. Breathing Room is a chance not only to catch your breath, but to find the road to the life you have come to believe is impossible.

Feeling trapped or closed in by the intensity of life is a common ailment in today's world. You may have come to the point of telling yourself ''This is just the way it is.'' Don't believe it. There is another way. Breathing Room will help you understand why you are tired, in debt, overweight, and relationally isolated--and how to move forward.

But before getting to the tips and ideas, you will uncover how you got there and why you are living as you are right now. Until you uncover those crucial pieces, you will simply find yourself spinning your wheels. You want to live the life Jesus promised, a life that is overflowing and abundant. This book holds the answers you need to fulfill that promise. Once you read it, you will have the breathing room you need.