Biotics Research Beta-Plus Nutritional Support for Bile Production, Supports Overall Liver Function. Aids in Fat Digestion. Supplies Betaine (Organic Beet Concentrate)

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SUPPORTS HEALTHY CHOLESTEROL LEVELS: Beta-PlusTM supplies necessary nutrients that have been found to support good cholesterol and triglyceride conversion and utilization.SUPPORTS HEALTHY CHOLESTEROL LEVELS: Beta-PlusTM supplies necessary nutrients that have been found to support good cholesterol and triglyceride conversion and utilization.
OPTIMAL FAT DIGESTION: Bile insufficiency has been associated with generalized intolerance of fatty foods. Beta-PlusTM is designed to support optimal digestion and assimilation of dietary fats and fat-soluble vitamins. Beta-PlusTM includes pancreatic lipase, an enzyme that significantly improves the fat digestive process.
SUPPORTS HEALTHY BILE PRODUCTION: Bile serves as a fat emulsifier, allowing fat to become water-soluble and better absorbed. Each tablet of Beta PlusTM supplies 100 mg of Ox bile extract combined with pancrealipase and organic whole beet concentrate, offering effective digestive support, particularly for those people who have had their gall bladders removed and are at risk for bile insufficiency.
WHO WE ARE: We are Biotics Research. We have revolutionized the nutritional supplement industry by utilizing "The Best of Science and Nature". We drive advancement by focusing our initiatives on research, natural effectiveness, product safety, efficacy, unparalleled quality control and continuing innovation.
QUALITY MADE IN THE USA: We produce tablets, capsules, powders and liquids in our Rosenberg, Texas, FDA-Registered, Texas Department of Health licensed, GMP-certified production and laboratory facility. Our products are tested in our state-of-the-art laboratory to ensure their safety, efficacy, and purity, and Optimal EFAs, like all Biotics Research products, Beta-PlusTM is Gluten Free!


Source of bile salt, digestive enzymes and organic beet concentrate with SOD and catalase. Consider whenever the gallbladder has been removed or the need for supplemental bile salts is indicated.