Marketing: An Introduction (13th Edition)

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Marketing An Introduction


For undergraduate courses on the Principles of Marketing.

An introduction to the world of marketing using a proven, practical, and engaging approach

Marketing: An Introduction shows students how customer valuecreating it and capturing itdrives every effective marketing strategy. Using an organization and learning design that includes real-world examples and information that help bring marketing to life, the text gives readers everything they need to know about marketing in an effective and engaging total learning package.

The Thirteenth Edition reflects the latest trends in marketing, including new coverage on online, social media, mobile, and other digital technologies, leaving students with a richer understanding of basic marketing concepts, strategies, and practices.

Also Available with MyMarketingLabTM

This title is also available with MyMarketingLaban online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.

NOTE: You are purchasing astandaloneproduct; MyMarketingLabdoes not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyMarketingLab search for:

0134472497 / 9780134472492 Marketing: An Introduction Plus MyMarketingLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package

Package consists of:

  • 013414953X / 9780134149530 Marketing: An Introduction
  • 0134132351 / 9780134132358 MyMarketingLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card -- for Marketing: An Introduction