Xlear Sinus Care Rinse System with Sinus Care Refill Solution (Xlear-20 ct 6 gram packets)

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The XLEAR Sinus Rinse Kit is the perfect tool for congestion relief brought on by allergies, sinusitis, weather, or smoky environments. The included sinus rinse salt is long lasting and remains effective long after the initial use.
The Xlear Sinus Rinse Kit moisturizes the nasal passageways while clearing out the contaminants causing the congestion. This allows the blockage to be easily blown out of the nose with little risk of damage.
Xylitol is a safe, natural ingredient that stimulates the body's own cleansing system and prevents irritants and bacteria from sticking to nasal tissues while moisturizing these delicate tissues unlike other sinus medications.
XLEAR Neti Pot salt solution is an all natural sinus congestion treatment that contains xylitol, saline, and sodium bicarbonate in easy-to-use packets.
XLEAR Sinus Care Solution Refills are a physician-designed hyperosmotic solution that is available over-the-counter to provide relief from nasal and sinus congestion due to allergies, colds and flu and other harmful pollutants.


The specially-made positive pressure rinse bottle is one of the easiest nasal irrigation systems to use. But some may ask, why even use an irrigation system? An irrigation system is used to thoroughly rinse out the nasal and sinuses passageways. These places often get overloaded with airborne contaminants like bacteria, pollen, and dust. The body attempts to get rid of these pollutants which often times leads you with congestion and other flu symptoms. The nasal rinse cleans the passages, relieving the body of these contaminants. Besides the special bottle, the solution offers the many benefits of xylitol, which is a special moisturizing and cleansing agent-not to mention that it's a natural sweetener too. Cleaning your nose is just as important as cleaning your hands. It reduces the risk of sickness and infection in the sinuses and upper airway. Now you can always be ready to irrigate your sinuses with the Xlear Neti Pot Refill Solution. The refill gives you quick and easy access to the amazing xylitol solution, which pulls moisture to the cell surface and also inhibits bacteria from sticking. This results in your upper airway being clean and clear of contaminants, helping you to breathe more freely. Now you can start breathing better and also promote more upper respiratory health through simple means.