Strength In Broken Places: Bible Principles that Helps You Find Strength to Deal with Grief, Depression, Marital Crises, Addiction And Fear.

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Strength in Broken Places is an Inspirational Christian book written to help you cope with the challenges of life drawing courage from biblical principles. Often we go through tough times that we ask ourselves, why me? Why has God neglected me? These are questions that run on our mind when challenged. Life can be very difficult that we look for avenues to help us cope with these tough situations. We all seek to be happy in life but since Adam sinned, everything is broken, the earth is broken and nothing works perfectly, even our bodies, the weather, our plans, our relationships, our marriages; all dont work perfectly because life is characterized by up-times and down-times. We are often faced with defeats and disappointments; sometimes we are betrayed by people we love and trust so much. That is how life is. We encounter trials, tribulation, suffering and so on. But in the midst of all challenges life throws at us, we have to lean on someone, to help us through it so we dont lose our mind when the challenges becomes overwhelming. The book presents bible teachings that will help us rise above inevitable losses in life, grief, loneliness, depression, marital crises, addiction, fear etc. We will learn bible answers to overcome these challenges.