Alka-White Natural Tooth Whitening Mouthwash - Tumeric, 30 Tablets

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Natural tooth-whitening mouthwash
Alkalizes mouth to re-mineralize teeth and reduce sensitivity
Freshens breath and is fluoride-free
Vegan and made in America by a Holistic Dentist
Comes with free salivary pH kit, portable effervescent tablets are great for travel


ALKA-WHITE MOUTHWASH is the first natural tooth whitening system that safely brightens your smile without caustic bleach or super-abrasives. The product contains a free pH test monitor and is designed to re-mineralize teeth, thereby making them less sensitive. ALKA-WHITE is a proven anti-acid that creates an alkaline salivary environment which is anti-bacterial, freshens breath, and gently whitens teeth by removing stains. It will not artificially change the natural color of a tooth.

Over-the counter bleaching agents (such as White-strips) or in-office one hour laser whitening use concentrated peroxide which denatures and dehydrates enamel. If the user has receded gums, the exposed root tubules are striped of their protective coating making the teeth extremely cold sensitive and prone to future root canal. Bleaching is a temporary fix because stain always returned, people who continuously bleach their teeth are at serious risk of permanent damage. As a Holistic Dentists for almost forty years, in my opinion, swallowing an at-home caustic bleaching product all night increases the risk of oral cancer, esophageal ulceration and digestive inflammation.

Most toothpaste whitening products use abrasives, which can also damage teeth by acting like sandpaper. People with receding gums are most at risk of erosion and abrasion of tooth structure because the roots are softer than enamel. At best, whitening agents just remove stain and a low-abrasive product is always preferred.

ALKA-WHITE contains Baking Soda, Coconut oil, and essential oils and spices in a convenient, portable tablet form. Pieces of the tablet can be broken off and used direct in the mouth, or drop a whole tablet in warm water. The effervescent mouthwash cleans all the nooks and crannies of the entire oral cavity through a 30 second oil pulling. Brush with the remaining paste to whiten teeth. There is also a version with Turmeric.