Sodium Bicarbonate Cures Cancer And We've Known it for 100 Years: We Debunk

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Sodium Bicarbonate Cures Cancer and We ve Known It for 100 Years We Debunk Quackwatch com


THE ELECTRONIC VERSION OF THIS BOOK IS $3.95 AND AVAILABLE HERE: The U.S. Government has lied to you from day 1 about cancer as have most government funded websites including We will debunk them page by page. And yes, 95 percent of Cancer is curable even after stage 4. STEPHEN BARRETT who authors QuackWatch is a FRAUD. He will tell you that PH DOESNT Matter in food or drink and will not cause cancer. Your kidneys take care of the PH regardless OH Really Stephen? Tell that to your swimming pool or cancer next time it grows you moron. (He says this for big $$$$$$$ to keep pharmaceutical companies rich). PH is EVERYTHING for EVERYONE on this EARTH. The human body is 70% water on average. PH is PANOPTIC And of course...Sodium Bicarbonate cures cancer because it keeps you in a slightly alkaline state. We've known this for over 100 years. Easily proven when you begin reading this historical book. Copy and Paste these before purchasing: The main author of this book is Brett Salisbury C.S.N. He can now be reached on his website. His diet and exercise program are considered "clean and cancer fighting for life". The follow up book that will prove everything in this book that you need and is brand new: THE BLUEPRINT By Brett Salisbury. It's free on amazon kindle. However the soft copy will become your bible.